30 apr. 2010

Iacob Dacul, Iacob Danezul sau Iacob de Dacia

Cel mai mult imi place sa gasesc articole pe net care incep cu: "a fost facuta o confuzie monstruoasa intre daci si dani". Atunci, dupa desteptii aia, toti mari cercetatori, fratele Iacob Dacul, Iacob Danezul sau Iacob de Dacia era un individ foarte confuz.

Brother Jacob Dacian, Jacob the Dane or in Latin Jacobus de Dacia, was a Danish Franciscan monk (Copenhagen c. 1484 – Michoacan, Mexico, 1566). He also called himself "Jacobus Gottorpius" referring to the royal estate of Gottorp. During his life he achieved fluency in eight languages. He achieved fame amongst the Indians of Michoacan for being a righteous and helpful man towards his flock. His relics, now lost, were kept for a long time by the Indians of Tarecuato who still celebrate his birthday every year.

A royal heir?

The Danish historian Jørgen Nybo Rasmussen (Rasmussen 1974) argues that Jacob was the illegitimate son of King John I of Denmark and the younger brother of King Christian II of Denmark. This interpretation is not shared by all historians but it is also the basis for the novel "Brother Jacob" by Danish author Henrik Stangerup. Key arguments in the case for Jacob's royal lineage are the fact that he described himself as coming from Gottorp, the estate of the Danish Kings Christian I and John, that he had an excellent education normally reserved for higher nobility, and that he seemed to enjoy protection from the higher political forces. It was also common for the younger sons of royalty to enter into the clergy since they could not inherit the throne.

Restul povestii il gasiti aici, pe wikipedia.

Pentru a vedea de ce dacul sau danezul dati click aici.

3 comentarii:

  1. despre ion tziganu' nascut in oltenita ce stii? a fost el un profet/mesia pt romanii slabi de inger in anii 90?

    te astept la mine pe blog unde Maimutzoiul Isteric Socialist, Hugo Chavez, si-a facut cont pe Twitter

  2. Dacă ar fi să o luăm așa, atunci Pavel Chinezu(1432-1494) înseamnă că era chinez? Există o localitate numită Faraoani. Dacă se numește așa înseamnă că au trecut faraoni pe acolo?

  3. Pentru matei, am zis ca nu te mai bag in seama, am si incercat din rasputeri sa ma abtin... Tara aia, Danemarca, a fost numita Dacia pana la 1600 sau poate si mai mult, ce mama dracului nu pricepi? Te scremi deja si imi cobor nivelul cam mult. Mai scrie vreo 2000 de ineptii, toate se duc direct la gunoi, hai pa.
