22 apr. 2010

Petitia Pentru Sarmizegetusa trimisa presedintelui Romaniei, UNESCO si UE

Doresc sa multumesc tuturor celor care au semnat petitia Pentru Sarmizegetusa.

Astazi, aceasta a fost trimisa, de subsemnatul, presedintelui Romaniei, UNESCO -
The International Council on Monuments and Sites si Uniunii Europene - The European Commission Of Culture. Daca nu voi primi niciun raspuns, voi retrimite periodic petitia autoritatilor mentionate, pana cand cineva, cu autoritate legala, va lua masurile potrivite in legatura cu capitala Daciei.

Domnule Presedinte,

Pe data de 14.11.2009, am initiat aceasta petitie privind Sarmizegetusa, capitala statului dac. Dupa mai mult de cinci luni s-au adunat putin peste 400 de semnaturi. Este clar ca petitia nu va strange numarul de semnaturi necesar pentru a avea valoare legala. Dar, pe de alta parte, nu pot lasa demersul excavarii integrale si protejarii Sarmizegetusei sa dispara. Deci, in numele celor peste 400 de cetateni care au semnat-o, va trimit petitia, in speranta ca veti sprijini cercetarea si protejarea acestui monument al patrimoniului mondial si national.

Pentru Sarmizegetusa

Am putea crede ca situl arheologic Sarmizegetusa Regia este protejat, fiind monument istoric pe lista monumentelor apartinand patrimoniului cultural national, monument de patrimoniu mondial si parte integranta din Parcul Natural Gradistea Muncelului. Insa copacii sunt mai protejati decat vestigiile istorice care, sigur pana in iulie 2009, probabil si in prezent, nu sunt in administrarea statului roman, neexistand pagubit in cazul unor furturi sau daune produse. De asemenea, prin insusi statutul de parc natural, zona nu poate fi excavata pentru a fi scoasa din pamant, in totalitate, Sarmizegetusa - inima Daciei. Pana acum nu au fost scoase la suprafata decat zidurile de incinta si o terasa cu un complex de sanctuare. Ingropate, sub o padure protejata in mod special, raman palate, temple, fortificatii, ateliere, locuinte etc. Avem un munte terasat acolo, cu o salba de cetati de jur imprejur, vestigii uitate in pamant sau lasate la mila intemperiilor si a jefuitorilor de comori. Orice tara civilizata isi protejeaza trecutul, dar autoritatile abilitate nu fac nimic, lasand sa se aleaga praful sau uitand ingropat trecutul.

Daca sunt corecte teoriile care spun ca Dacia este leaganul civilizatiei europene, capitala celor care stapaneau si inca stapanesc aceste pamanturi reprezinta un punct de maximum interes, nu numai pentru istoria nationala, ci pentru istoria intregii umanitati. Pe de alta parte, daca aceste teorii sunt nefondate, faptul ca dacii sunt stramosii nostri nu poate fi negat. Lasand la voia intamplarii acele vestigii arheologice, abandonam casele si mormintele noastre. Haideti sa salvam noi, impreuna, ca un prim pas, capitala statului dac.

Prin prezenta cerem Presedintelui Romaniei sa anuleze statutul de monument natural al padurii care acopera Sarmizegetusa si sa faca demersuri pentru a se demara cercetarea arheologica integrala a capitalei dacilor. Sarmizegetusa si complexul de cetati din zona sa fie investite cu statut special de obiective arheologice de maxima importanta pentru Romania. Astfel, toate cetatile dacice din zona, incepand cu Sarmizegetusa, sa fie investigate arheologic si sa fie scoase la lumina in totalitate. De asemenea, cerem protejarea descoperirilor care au fost si vor fi facute, prin atribuirea de catre statul roman a unui administrator special pentru cetatile dacice din Gradistea Muncelului. Iar acesta sa aiba la dispozitie un buget care sa-i permita securizarea optima si promovarea pe plan national si international a complexului de asezari dacice.

Manu Octavian-Eugeniu


La aceasta atasez semnaturile de pe cele doua adrese de net ale petitiei.

Mai jos aveti linkuri catre cateva articole din presa filmata si scrisa, care prezinta starea deplorabila a Sarmizegetusei.




To: the President of The International Council on Monuments and Sites, The European Commission Of Culture

On 14.11.2009, I have created a petition regarding Sarmizegetusa, the capital of the Dacian state. After more than five months there are over 400 signatures for it. It is clear that this petition will not gather the required number of signatures to be used in a legal way. But, on the other hand, I cannot leave the idea of unearthing and protecting Sarmizegetusa to fade off. So, in the name of the 400 people that signed it, I am sending it to you, hoping that you will support the investigation and protection of this monument of the world patrimony.

For Sarmizegetusa

We might believe that the Sarmizegetusa Regia archaeological site is protected, being listed as a historical monument of the national cultural patrimony, monument of the world patrimony and an important part of the Gradistea Muncelului Natural Park. But the trees are better protected than the archaeological vestiges which, surely till July 2009, probably till today, are not under the administration of the Romanian state, thus there is no injured part in case of theft or damages. Also, as a natural park, the area can't be dug to be unearthed the whole Sarmizegetusa - the heart of Dacia. Only the precinct walls and one terrace with a sanctuary complex have been brought to light until now. Buried, underneath a specially protected forest, remain palaces, temples, fortifications, workshops, houses and so on. There we have a terraced mountain, with a necklace of castles spread out, relics forgotten in the earth or left at the hand of weather and treasure robbers. Any civilized country protects its past, but the Romanian authorities do nothing, as the vestiges are destroyed and the past remains buried and forgotten.

If the theories that call Dacia the cradle of the European civilization are right, the capital of those who ruled and still own these lands represents a point of maximum interest, not only for the national history, but also for the history of the world. On the other hand, if these theories have no factual basis, the fact that the Dacians are our ancestors cannot be denied. Abandoning those vestiges, we abandon our homes and tombs. Let’s save the capital of the Dacian state together, as a first step.

By this petition we ask the President of Romania to annul the natural monument status that the forest which covers Sarmizegetusa has, and to support the start of a thorough archaeological examination of the Dacian capital.
Sarmizegetusa and the castle complex from the area are to be invested with a special status of maximum importance archaeological monuments for Romania. Thus, all the Dacian strongholds in the area, starting with Sarmizegetusa, will be investigated and fully brought to light. Also we demand the protection of all the discoveries that were and will be made, with the assign of a special administrator for the Gradistea Muncelului Dacian castles made by the Romanian state. This administrator will have at his disposal a budget which will allow him to properly secure the vestiges and to promote the complex at a national and international level.

Octavian-Eugeniu Manu


The signatures from the two petition addresses are attached.

Below there are links to
press articles which show the poor state of the archaeological site.




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