"The Indo-Aryan tribes mentioned in the Rigveda are described as semi-nomadic pastoralists, subdivided into temporary settlements (vish, viś) and headed by a tribal chief (raja, rājan) assisted by a priestly caste. They formed a warrior society, engaging in endemic warfare and cattle raids ("gaviṣṭi") among themselves and against the "Dasyu" or Dasa." www.encyclopedia.com
Deci triburile indo-ariene din Rigveda, pastori semi-nomazi, formau o societate razboinica antrenata in lupte periodice interne sau cu "Dasyu" - "Dasa". Cine or fi astia? Google search and...
Etymology of Dasa and related terms
Dasa and related terms have been examined by several scholars.[7] While the terms Dasa and Dasyu have a negative meaning in Sanskrit, their Iranian counterparts Daha and Dahyu have preserved their positive (or neutral) meaning. This is similar to the Sanskrit terms Deva (a "positive" term) and Asura (a "negative" term). The Iranian counterparts of these terms (Daeva and Ahura) have opposite meanings.
See also Dahae
The meaning of the word dāsa, which has been long preserved in the Khotanese dialect, is "man". Two words that contain "dasa" are the Vedic names Divodās (meaning "divine man") and Sudās (meaning "good man"). Dasa is also in Iranian "Daha", known to Graeco-Roman authors as the Dahae (Daai), designating probably Iranian tribes. The term Daha occurs in a Persepolis inscription of Xerxes (h 26).[8]
Daha also referred to a dasyu tribe in Margiana. Dahistan (east of the Caspian Sea/Gorgan) derives its name from this tribe [9]. The Greek historians Q. Curtius Rufus (8,3) and Ptolemy (Geography: 6,10,2) located the region of the Dahas on the river Margos (modern Murghab) or in Margiana (Parpola 1988). The Dahas are also mentioned by Pomponius Mela (3,42)[10] and Tacitus (Ann. 11,10)[11].
Strabo wrote about the Dahae the following:
"Most of the Scythians, beginning from the Caspian Sea, are called Dahae Scythae, and those situated more towards the east Massagetae and Sacae."
(Strabo, 11-8-1)
Strabo's description places Dahae nomads in the area around modern Turkmenistan. Tacitus, in the Annals , writes of the Parthian king Vardanes I that he subdued "the intermediate tribes as far as the river Sindes, which is the boundary between the Dahae and the Arians." [12]
Long story short, adica scurt si la obiect avem dasa ca daha la iranieni, iar la greci si romani dahae sau daai. Un exemplu de folosire a denumirii de dahae il avem la grecul Strabo care spune ca majoritatea scitilor, incepand cu Marea Caspica (nordul Iranului), sunt numiti sciti dahi (dahae), iar cei situati mai in est sunt numiti masageti (getii cei mari) si saci (sacae). Deci Dasa sau Dasyu sunt de fapt cei numiti Daha sau Dahae, care sunt numiti si Getii cei Mari. Deci getii sunt mentionati in Vede. Ce frumos. Ei fiind situati undeva in zona marii Caspice si chiar si mai la est cam pe la raul Sindes, care-mi apare ca Indus la orice cautare. Sindes care-i separa pe ei de arieni cu care erau frati - "The identity of the Dasa has caused much debate, closely tied to arguments over Indo-Aryan migration, the claim that the Indo-Aryan authors of the Rigveda entered India from outside, displacing its earlier inhabitants. Recent scholars, notably Asko Parpola, have claimed that they were fellow Indo-Iranians of the BMAC, who initially rejected Aryan religious practices but were later merged with them."
Acum, ca v-am impartasit cateva dintre ideile mele pe ziua de azi, va multumesc ca ati citit aceste randuri si va urez toate cele bune.
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- Zamolxis primul legislator al getilor/gotilor, Lundius
- Vasile-Lovinescu-Dacia-Hiperboreana
sunt confuz...eu cred ca scitii nu erau geti sau daci, erau un trib indo-iranian aparte...si getii tot indo/iranieni erau?
RăspundețiȘtergereE vorba, de fapt, de Imperiul Pelasgic, care se intindea pana in India, imperiu care a fost recreat partial, pentru scurta durata, de Alexandru Macedon, iar scitii, tracii, latinii, sarmatii, partii sunt urmasii acestor pelasgi, avand o limba asemanatoare, un port asemanator si, dupa cum poti auzi in videoclipul din Mazandaran, postat anterior, cam aceeasi muzica. Deci suntem frati cu ei, da. Sau mai degraba strabuni, dar hai o lasam la nivel fratern. Acesti pelasgi (sau arieni) sunt civilatia primara de pe planeta, iar limba lor este proto-indo-europeana, aia care este mama a 3/4 din limbile planetei. Asadar faptul ca o populatie scitica este numita getica, e putin mai limpede in acest context:)
RăspundețiȘtergereIn incheiere iti spun si numele pelasgilor de la nord de Dunare - arimi.
Am vazut. Alt istoric, spunea de Tysageti, Tyrageti si Massageti. Oricum, le-ai spune, sunt tot geti.